
Thursday Aug.10, 2017

Posted in Workout of The Day , August 9th, 2017

Bench Press- heavy 3

E90 x6 10 DL + 10 Wallball

E90 x Push Jerk x6

Tabata T2B

100M +
3 Rounds
21 Burpees
15 OHS
9 Burpees
100M Run

Bench Press- heavy 3

E90 x6 10 DL + 10 Wallball

E90 x Push Jerk x6

Tabata T2B

100M +
3 Rounds
21 Burpees
15 OHS
9 Burpees
100M Run


Jeff and Tara - Kettlebell swing

Jeff and Tara – Kettlebell swing