
The Sleep problem

Posted in Blog , September 13th, 2015
How to start getting better Sleep

sleep-work-performanceWe have a problem in our society (Shocking, I know). We seem to wear their lack of sleep like a badge of honor. late nights coupled with early mornings of the motivated and high achievers. They represent a  family life that “is just too busy”. The real truth is that skipping sleep isn’t getting any of us ahead. It’s making us sick & depressed. It’s increasing our chances of obesity and aging us at an accelerated rate.

Our body needs sleep to regenerate. We need it for our workouts and our everyday lives.  “I’m not getting enough sleep” and “I only need a few hours a night” Are two statements I hear  most often as a trainer and coach when it comes to the topic. Adequate and consistent sleep will make you perform better in all aspects of your life.

Here are some suggestions to help with that, because it won’t just happen overnight (See what I just did there?)   It will take some effort, but I promise you it will be worth it!

Set a bedtime: This is WAY easier said than done. But your body responds well to schedules. This can be challenging when it comes to family life, work and sports, but the key is adhering to a reasonable bedtime as often as possible. Aim for 8-10hrs of sleep a night.

Create a routine: This could possibly be the most important component in my opinion. Creating a routine allows your body to recognize that it is time to go to bed. It may take a week or so, but it does work.

Coach Ninja’s Bedtime routine

Brew some tea: I really enjoy chamomile.  There are some great natural sleep teas out there that will help calm the body and induce a healthy sleep. Just stay away from anything caffeinated!

Stretch: Nothing vigorous but a light stretch and foam roll helps soothe muscles and relaxes the mind.

Read (Sometimes): Nothing too thought provoking, just something light.

Shut off all electronics: At least 30-45mins before you sleep, unplug. No Email, No Facebook, No Instagram, No phone. Some studies have shown increased sleep patterns by keeping your cell phone in a different room than you sleep.

Magnesium: You can increase your magnesium by eating more dark green veggies. Magnesium helps your muscles to relax. If your choice is to use a supplement please check with your health care professional first.

Getting better sleep will allow you to get much more out of your day, keep you in a better mood, and allow you more energy to make better and healthier choices.

Now go to sleep!

-Coach Ninja