
Thursday Sept. 10, 2015

Posted in Workout of The Day , September 9th, 2015

ArnoldI recently saw a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about not having time to workout.
He mentions, “when the president of the United States has time to workout, when the pope has time to workout, then you have time to workout

You can see it here

You have to make training a priority in order for you to see results.
Take your day planner.  At the start of the week, book in all your workouts first.  Then plan everything else around it. Sure you have other interests and maybe you even have kids, but wouldn’t you like to be healthy and live long enough to see your kids grow up?

-Coach Harvey


A) Power Clean + Clean – 60%x (1+2) x 2

65%x (1+2) x 2 (% of power clean)

B) Push Press 5-5-5

C) Front Squat – 5-4-3

D) 8 rounds

3 Snatches

8 Wall Ball