

Posted in Blog NUTRITION , October 5th, 2017

These days we hear a lot of people use term Super Food. But what is it and how does it help my diet? Lets try to answer this in few simple words.

If you google Super Food you will get something like that:

“So-called ‘superfoods’ — such as spinach, beans, sweet potatoes, salmon, fruits, nuts, whole grains and berries — are said to be rich in nutrients. Superfoods are foods — mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy — thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one’s health.”

However, there are no set criteria for determining what is and what is not a superfood. Superfoods don’t have their own food group. Consuming foods that are packed with nutrients (as many so-called superfoods are) is certainly a good idea, but the key to a healthy diet is to consume a variety of nutritious foods in the right quantities.

Superfoods have extra-large doses of vitamins and minerals that can help us ward off diseases and live a longer, healthier life.

Some of the nutrients that certain superfoods contain include antioxidants, thought to ward off cancer; healthy fats, thought to prevent heart disease; fiber, thought to prevent diabetes and digestive problems; or phytochemicals, the chemicals in plants responsible for deep colors and smells, which can have numerous health benefits.

Lets take a closer loo at some of those foods people today call Super and examine the most popular ones over the next few weeks.

Blueberries often top many lists of superfoods because they are rich in vitamins, soluble fiber and phytochemicals. But the same nutrients found in blueberries are also found in many other kinds of berries, including strawberries and cranberries.

Main Benefits of consuming Blueberries include:

  • Combat aging. Antioxidants are your best friend to keep Father Time at bay. …
  • Boost the Brain. …
  • Fight Cancer. …
  • Support Digestion. …
  • Promote Heart Health. …
  • Benefit the Skin. …
  • Aid Weight Loss. …

If you want to dive in a learn more check out the link below


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