
Eat The GARDEN !

Posted in Blog NUTRITION , August 11th, 2017

Growing up we have all heard the saying ” Eat Your Vegetables” often used by your mom or grandma. Its likely something they’ve been harping on for years. Well as science and research has demonstrated your grandma was on to something 🙂

Fruits and Vegetables have many benefits to our overall health and here are some of the most important ones:

  1. First of all F & V are packed with micronutrients ( vitamins and minerals) that are essential for optimal functioning.
  2. F &V help alkaline your body – both grains and proteins create acid loads in our blood and its very important to balance those out with alkaline-rich Fruits and Vegetables
  3. Eating a diet rich in F & V as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risks for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, decrease bone loss, protect against certain types of cancer, help loose weight, help with fatigue recovery, etc… the list goes on and on

So what do you do now? 

Simple , aim to include vegetables – at least 1-2 fist sized servings with every meal , and add about 1 cupped handful of fruits with most meals. Don’t be afraid to experiment, try new kinds, new colours, prepare vegetables in different ways, in other words – EAT THE GARDEN!
